Thursday, February 23, 2017

#6 Cowboy Bebop!

"This is real mystic and all but do you have anything to eat here?"

          Cowboy Bebop can most accurately be described as a 'space western'. Even the characters call themselves cowboys. It's fast paced and most of the time each episode has its own story without overlapping into the next one. While there is an underlying plot, it seems to only become the center of attention at certain points in the show. Cowboy Bebop also has one of the most interesting music styles. Combining western, opera, and jazz music together. This new style of music was made by one of the most prominent artist in anime; Yoko Kanno. The fast paced and catchy opening isn't only fun to listen to, but to watch as well. 

           Cowboy Bebop isn't always fast paced, sometimes it seems downright slow, but keep in mind that there will be fast moments where you might have to rewatch the show to make sure you see everything. 

          'Cowboys' are another name for bounty hunters in 2071. 'Bebop' is the name of the ship that Spike, Jet, Fay, Ed, and Ein live on. 


          Spike's our main character and could be considered the one that usually get the rest of them in trouble. He's also a master of Jeet Kune Do, which he almost always has to use when they go after bounties.

           Jet's the captain of The Bebop and tries to keep order between the others. He use to be an investigator for the Inter Planetary Space Police (IPSP) until his former partner betrayed him and led to him losing his right arm. 

          Fay is a thief and joins the Bebop crew after repeatedly running into them. She was put into a cryogenic sleep and woke up 54 years later in 2071 not remembering who she is, and with an insane amount of debt.  

          Ed is a highly renowned hacker and does everything her own way. From walking on her hands, to typing with her feet. She joins the crew when she hacks into the Bebops navigation controls and brings them to her. Ein is a corgi that has the intelligence of a human. Ein joins the crew accidentally when they're chasing after a bounty. Ein is also referred to as a 'data dog' and can do things that other canine can't do; like drive a spaceship, or play shogi. If you want to read more about the characters click here.

          The Bebop crew may be bounty hunters but most of the time they don't have any money. Most of it goes to repairs for things that Spike breaks or is gambled away by Fay. Unsurprisingly that also means that they don't have money for food. Most of them can be bribed with food, especially Spike, into doing random jobs and even helping total strangers.

          Cowboy Bebop was a big step forwards for the sci-fi genre of anime and could even be considered a sci-fi anime classic. While it is old it doesn't lack in action or comedic moments. 

Until next time, 

"See you, space cowboy."

I do not own any of the pictures, gifs, or videos used in this post or any other post on AnimationNomination they are protected under the fair use policy 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your blog. You write about each animation in detail from different perspectives. I felt your passion for animations. I don’t know about animations very well, but I got interested in animation music from your blog.
    How about providing more fundamental information such as the year or the country an animation was released in?
    P.S. I like Yoko Kanno, too. She has made pieces not only for animations, but also for many singers, movies, and commercial programs.
