#14 Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto?!
You remember that cool guy from school? The one that everyone wanted to be friends with? And the one that some people hated because he was too cool? Sakamoto is that guy. Even if you were someone who hated that one guy it's pretty funny when you get to watch it from afar.
Sakamoto is loved by all of his classmates and all of the girls have a crush on him. The only problem is the bullies. They don't see why everyone loves him, no one is that cool. So they come up with a few plans to embarrass him or to make him drop his cool. However, nothing fazes Sakamoto. From a falling eraser, to having his chair pulled out from underneath him, he's always cool. No situation puts him on edge or disrupts his day. Not even a ride through the hall in a mop cart.
Sakamoto also goes out of his way to help people, even if those people are trying to prank him or get him into trouble. Sakamoto isn't even fazed by a fire or rescuing someone from falling off a balcony. Though when he does help he always adds an extra flair.
This anime is over the top ridiculous and that's what makes it funny. The silly reactions and responses are worth watching just because of how impossible or perfect they are. It also doesn't skimp on the sparkles. Lots and lots of sparkles. But hey, it's a light anime it's not supposed to be serious. Maybe we should try to be more like Sakamoto, if only to keep life interesting. If you want to read more about Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto? click here.
Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto is an anime that you would watch if you've had a bad day or if you just want to watch something funny. Even if you don't usually watch school life anime I would definitely give this one a try.
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